Healing Arts
Seeing what is hidden that may be the root issue is powerful. An example, many blockages could lie in the spinal column since most nerves run through the spinal column which deals with organs. Once we run an analysis to pinpoint the root issue, we send frequencies to harmonize their energy fields for natural healing to occur. Also, on the energetic field if there seems to be imbalances with nutrition we are able to see and then you ask your Veterinarian to look into that finding. It is great working as a whole on the animal. Imbalances are found from any combination, physical, emotional, chemical and energetic fields.
How would you like to to become Medically In tune with your animal?
Wouldn’t it be great to have a deep awareness of the core issue of your animal?
Is the food causing him/her an allergy or is it something in the environment like a carpet or specific grass type.
What type of herb or medicine may assist and if so how much?
Is your animal depressed and not eating? Maybe the animal is feeling unworthy since another animal is now sharing his/her home.
Medically Intuitive is a term we use as, “muscle testing,” “ energy testing” or “applied Kinesiology”
Intuition, like Carl Jung’s definition: “God within.” It is there for guidance.
Contact us for classes
Zoom & Physical Classes
Workshops for your Clients
Physical classes for Teams at businesses
NOTE: Medical Intuition should never be relied on alone as a diagnostic tool, but i do believe that it can be valuable in helping with emotional, physical, or spiritual issues.
Create with us
Let us create an interactive class, with or without your animal.
Classes at your home , business or on zoom.
Crystals: Pick out your animals crystal and wrap it in copper for their collar .
Frequencies: Sound frequencies for healing the core issue and assist in the new healthy version.
Essential Oils: create flea medicine, air refresher, Carpet spray, Parfume, shampoo, and cookies for a pur-fect treat.
Massage and Reiki energy to calm your fur balls to sleep.
*Living * Loving * life*
— Heidi Hughes
Help animals that help humans heal.
Allow us to assist in releasing anxiety, emotional, chemical, physical and other energy blocks. Maybe you have a Military working animal, Police K9, PTSD, Autism or other medically trained dog, horse… or a companion animal.
We use Quantum Biofeedback for an insight on the root of the imbalance. Then we Create Frequencies to clear, harmonize, and assist in the new Healthy Blueprint.
Quantum Light therapy to rid that which is not of the Divine Blueprint. Resetting body, central nervous, peripheral nervous and chakra systems. Repairing tears in the animals energy field to protect the animal and more…
Reiki is used for relaxation, energizing chakras, and promote healing.
These may assist in clearing there energies so they may continue to do their mission is assisting there human companion.
We will travel to you or Zoom Meeting at your convenience.