Divine Warrior “Know Thyself ‘Inner Warrior’ = Empowerment”
Training Starts January 4th, 2025.
Each month you embark on a new level and skills into Mastery of Self.
🔑 to Empowerment ~ Ascension.
Please review schedule of trainings and prerequisites.
Ascension Ready! Quantum Light Healing with Artemis.
This ‘DW’ Divine Warrior Training is exclusively coordinated and taught with Alchemist Heidi Hughes and other Master Students of the Light, raising vibrations of the entire Solar Systems starting with the most important, the one found inside of self.
Learn an Ancient Arts Energetic Wellness Modality to reset all systems and heal thyself. Once certified you may use this method on others.
Goal is Ascension Ready!
Classes are on ZOOM platform with Live Interactive sessions. Graduation requirement to be Certified, we meet at one of our Healing Events open to the public over an energy center (Ley line). You may choose to attend one of our events on the days of the Solstice with planetary alignments and or other significant solar event days.
We leverage with knowledge of nature and the Universe as a whole since All is ONE and connected. This knowledge we were given and it is our duty to accept who, what, why we are here. Let us All Make a difference!
It all started with Heidi’s Divine Family implementing a vision in her Dream in which she now Honors. Here is a video of her 1st ‘WYP’ What’s Your Passion Creative Arts Industry, NYFW Event for “Fashion 4 Light” Teaching and Honoring the 1st in the industry of bringing the Light and Self Worth into this Industry. Creator of Divine Warrior ‘Know thyself’ Inner Warrior = EMPOWERMENT.